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Our Team

Mauricio Benítez

Mauricio Benítez

International Partner

Professional experience

With more than 15 years of experience in Big firms, in BDO and Deloitte, focused on the financial industry. After some years, he joined the “Asociación de Bancos de Chile” (ABIF) (Chilean Banks Association), representing its member banks before “The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Chile 2014”, of the OECD.

Afterwards, he continued his path in Boston, USA, as an associated in the BU Center for Finance, Law & Policy, collaborating in regulatory affairs of the international financial markets, and OTC derivatives, in relation to bank legislations and bills that were debating in the American Congress, such as Dodd-Frank Act, FATCA, among others, carrying out seminars and conferences in the USA and Latin America.

Then, he led and set-up a China desk in Shanghai focused in engaging the Latam firms and clients in China and also bringing Chinese clients and prospect to Latam and the Americas. Supporting BDO China with the foreign clients as well as participating in global engagements as international Director.

Finally, he acted as International Liaison Partner (ILP) in BDO Chile, representing the local firm with the global network.

Furthermore, he founded Fintegram, a Fintech for financial literacy and financial inclusion, modeling credit records and certification for SME’s and providing consulting services to traditional financial institutions in the marketplace.

He is member of the “Colegio de Abogados de Chile” (Bar Association of Chile), International Fiscal Association (IFA), and the “Instituto Chileno de Derecho Tributario” (ICHDT) (Chilean Institute of Tax Law). Visiting professor at Boston University, and research fellow at the BU Center for Finance, Law & Policy and professor of tax & accounting in the University of Santiago.

Languages: English, Chinese, and Spanish.


Profile and studies

Lawyer, Universidad de Chile
Master in Taxation, Universidad de Chile
LL.M in Banking & Financial Law, Boston University, Massachusetts – USA
Mandarin – Chinese Language, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai – China


SW Chile es una firma independiente asociada con ShineWing International Limited |

SW Chile is an independent firm associated with ShineWing International Limited