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Mauricio Benítez

Mauricio Benítez

International Partner

Professional experience

With more than 15 years of experience in international consulting firms, he has focused mainly on the Financial Industry. He was also senior advisor to the Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile (ABIF), representing its member banks before the “The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Chile 2014”, of the OECD, as well as member of the Civil Society Council of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile (SBIF). Subsequently, he became General Manager of Banotic, a subsidiary of ABIF. Finally, he continued his professional career in Boston, USA, as an associate at the BU Center for Finance, Law & Policy.

In China he focused mainly on the Fintech industry, analyzing Chinese investment projects in the South American region, given the growing interest of investors, especially in technology and financial innovation. He was appointed International Director of Tax & Legal at BDO in Shanghai, China.

Finally founded Fintegram, a B2B platform focused on financial inclusion and education to provide regional SMEs with access to the marketplace of traditional financial institutions.

Languages: Spanish, English and Chinese.

Profile and studies

Abogado, Universidad de Chile.

Magíster en Derecho , mención Derecho Tributario, Universidad de Chile.

LL.M in Banking & Financial Law, Boston University, Massachusetts – USA.

Chino Mandarín, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China.

Es miembro del Colegio de Abogados de Chile, la “International Fiscal Association” (IFA), y del Instituto Chileno de Derecho Tributario (ICHDT).

Profesor visitante en Boston University School of Law, en el programa “Financial Services Fundamentals”. Massachusetts, EE.UU.

Profesor en USACH, “Contabilidad e Impuestos”, Santiago, Chile.


SW Chile es una firma independiente asociada con ShineWing International Limited |

SW Chile is an independent firm associated with ShineWing International Limited