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Professional experience
Professional with thirteen years of professional practice, specialized in consulting and external tax audit through international firms, specializing in tax matters related to Corporate Tax, Additional Tax, Value Added Tax, Tax for Seals and Stamps and Inheritance, among other taxes. He has participated in business reorganization processes, tax planning, tax diagnosis, due diligence, administrative requests and audits before the SII (Chile’s Internal Revenue Service), with companies of various types of industries and with people.
Ángelo was Tax Manager at BDO Tax & Legal in Chile, being its main functions; the management of work teams, supervision in assistance and permanent tax advisory to the firm’s clients in the context of tax compliance in general.
In the academic field, he is a university assistant professor of tax audit at Universidad Diego Portales since 2015 to date.
Profile and studies
Certificate Public Accountant (CPA) and Auditor graduated at the Universidad Diego Portales.
Member of the College of Accountants of Chile A.G.
Diploma on International Taxation at the Universidad de Chile,