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Our Team

José Julio Muñoz

José Julio Muñoz

Director – Magallanes

Professional Experience

He is a Director at SW Chile in the Punta Arenas office.

In addition, he is in charge of the Quality Management System under ISO 9001:2015 and NCh 2728 of the Training Center and Technical Agency Visión Austral.

In matters of Quality Management, he implements QMS under ISO 9001:2015 and NCh-2728 2025 for OTEC regulated by SENCE.

She is a lecturer in Transversal Competencies and Entrepreneurship. Member of the Latin American Network of Competency Facilitators.

Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 and NCh 2728 Standards.

He is currently a member of the Technical Committee CL050 Human Resources Management of INN – Chile. For the equivalence and degree of correspondence of International Standards with Chilean Standards.

He served as Academic Director of the Punta Arenas Campus of the Universidad Mariano Egaña, in charge of the direction and coordination of 3 master’s degree programs, Human Resources Management and Direction, Tax Planning and Management and Diplomas.

Profile and studies

Master in National and International Taxation, Universidad Pedro de Valdivia, Postgraduate in Taxation, Universidad Mariano Egaña and Arturo Prat, Postgraduate in Human Resources Management by Competences, Universidad Mariano Egaña, Diploma in International Management Training, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Accountant, Member of the Technical Committee CL050 Human Resources Management INN – Chile.

He has more than 30 years of professional experience in the Management and Commercial areas of the training center Visión Austral Ltda.

In addition, he is a lecturer in the areas of Business Management, ISO Standards, Transversal Competencies and Entrepreneurship, has participated in various projects in the field of People Development, and development of E-Learning platforms.



SW Chile es una firma independiente asociada con ShineWing International Limited |

SW Chile is an independent firm associated with ShineWing International Limited